Mentor Monitor Measure

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“Longitudinal studies have repeatedly demonstrated that addictions treatment (particularly for 90 or more days) is associated with major reductions in substance use, problems and costs to society … However, post-discharge relapse and eventual re-admission are also the norm …The risk of relapse does not appear to abate until 4 to 5 years of abstinence … Retrospective and prospective treatment studies report that most clients undergo 3 to 4 episodes of care before reaching a stable state of abstinence … In spite of this evidence of chronicity and multiple episodes of care, most … treatment continues to be characterized as relatively self-encapsulated, serial episodes of acute treatment with post discharge aftercare typically limited to passive referrals to self-help groups.”

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesSAMHSA report to Congress

We have reviewed all the scientific studies that said do Recovery Centers, Recovery Clubs, Recovery Cafes, Recovery Employment Sites and Recovery Homes make a difference in terms of long-term recovery outcomes? Do they reduce relapse, do they increase long-term recovery rates, do they enhance the quality of life for individuals and families in long term recovery?

We have the beginnings of those studies that we’ve summarized in the monograph. The evidence to date is an overwhelming “Yes!” and the place in particular, because we’ve had the most studies done on those, is in the recovery homes.”

William White, M.A.
William White, M.A.Emeritus Senior Research Consultant at Chestnut Health Systems / Lighthouse Institute

“REC CAP is an instrument that is owned by the resident and the peer coach jointly, or by the resident on their own, and allows people to map what they do so that it becomes both a marker of progress using the currency of recovery capital and a mechanism for determining what strengths you have to take you to the next step.”

David Best, Ph.D.
David Best, Ph.D.Sheffield Hallam University during REC CAP Navigational Support Training Session in 2017